State license KZ08LAA00032843 from 01.12.2022High medical college
“Higher Medical College” of the Akimat of Astana is one of the oldest educational institutions. The history of the college dates back to 1935, with the opening of the Akmola Nursing School.
Providing high quality educational services focused on international standards in order to train competitive specialists based on a competency-based approach that are in demand on the labor market of the city and the region.
Strategic goals in the field of quality:
Continuous improvement of the quality management system
Continuous creative improvement of the content of educational services
Using progressive methods of organizing the educational process
Improving the principles and methods of motivation
Continuous improvement and updating of the educational and material base
Implementation of information systems that monitor the quality of work of all departments of the college
Continuous improvement of the organizational structure of the college
Increasing the investment attractiveness of the college