Library fund
The library is the most important and necessary structural unit of the College participating in the educational process. In conditions the formation of a modern society, one of the fundamental values of which is the freedom of speech and information, libraries become one of the most important channels providing free access to information for readers.The main task of the library is to provide information support to the educational process in accordance with the profile of the College. We provide not only the educational process, but also help students in broadening horizons and self-education.The library has a subscription of educational literature, a subscription of literary literature, a reading room for 32 seats and a book Depository.The library Fund is formed in accordance with the curriculum of the College and the norms of book availability and is for 2022-2023 academic year is –73 079 exemplars.New information technologies and access to the modern information technology and communication level allow library staff to increase the intensity and effectiveness of information bibliographic services. Taking care of the quality of services provided, the library staff uses modern electronic technologies to find the necessary information to prepare for classes, class hours, develop manuals, presentations, contests, reports, abstracts, etc. An electronic catalog and a card file of newspaper and magazine articles have been formed.
Computer technology is a necessary condition for the formation of the modern image of the library. Since October 2010, the library system "Library business" has been introduced in the library of the College, and since December 2017, January 2018 access to expert legal portal ICFED– Kazakhstan: ACTUALIC – medicine, ACTUALIC education, may-2018 implemented a software package 3D designer internal diseases "Botkin".
Subscription to periodicals – 24 items are carried out.
Computers with Internet access are available in the library. The work is carried out under the program"Library business". Every year the library's book Fund is updated qualitatively. 810 copies in the amount of 2 114 420 tenge were purchased for 2022-2023 academic year. Much attention is paid to completing the library with textbooks in the state, Russian and English languages on clinical subjects. Also academic literature on the applied baccalaureate.
A regular exhibitions: opening Fund of the library, informing about new arrivals, theme and subject of the exhibition, as well as receive informational support in the preparation and conduct of the activities of the College.The main goal of the library of the College-operational service readers in all its divisions (on the subscription, in the reading room). The formation of the level of information culture among students, nurture a sense of love for the Motherland, pride in their land, care for the protection of nature and human health. Education of interest and love for the book.Systematic information and bibliographic service of the teaching staff. All this is possible with skillful, purposeful organization of work with readers. Conducting interviews, reviews, evenings, reading conferences with the active participation of students makes it possible to realize the goals.